Progress…it is happening

Progress…it is happening

What have you all been up to this weekend? I’ve finally finished my most recent organizing and minimizing project last week. Yesterday and today was spent organizing my writing and blogging workflow, pulling posts from my FB page to move here. While traveling, I posted directly to my Facebook FG2A Page, when I should have …

My first day walking around Siem Reap

My first day I spent walking around, getting the layout of the land. My goal was to find food and the Old Market. Traffic here is mostly bikes, mopeds, and tuktuks. “Laadyy, tuktuk?” Is something I’m hearing so often, I’ll hear it in my dreams. I mostly walk, as long as I have water and …

Ko Samui : Day 3…or 4…

I think it is the 4th day including the day I arrived. These past few days have been like a real vacation. Wake, stress a little – I should be doing something- then I realize what I should be doing is being on the beach… All. Day. So I get dressed, grab my beach bag. …