As soon as you take that first step, you are headded in the right direction!

10 Actions to find Awesome: Small steps to start the journey to Awesome

As soon as you take that first step, you are headded in the right direction!

List #1 of 10 Awesome Actions!

You need to start somewhere!  Here are some simple actions to start finding Awesome.  Pick one a day and just do it!  I highly recommend doing 1 & 2 every single day.

1. Repeat to yourself: “I am Awesome!”

  • Feels lame and false at first, but keep doing it – every day! Make it something you just do. When someone asks how you are during the day, say “I’m Awesome.”
  • I started doing this – practicing on myself by saying and thinking the words at home, then with anyone who asked me how I was. I still remember the day, when at a work meeting, someone I didn’t know well asked me, and I gave my “awesome” reply. Actually, I said, “I am Fantabulous!” They gave me a funny look. Another co-worker who I worked closely with, said, “No, really, she means it.” And, you know what? I really did!

2. Repeat to yourself 20x’s: “Everyday, in every way, I get better and better.”

  • None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes, and we have a chance, every minute of the day to work towards overcoming them, even if it is starting by forgiving ourselves, and resolving to get better and better, every day.

3. Compliment yourself in some way

  • There is something about you that deserves a compliment. Find at least one!

4. Compliment someone else

  • Pick one thing about someone and say something nice. You will make someone feel good. How do you feel after doing that?

5. Hold the door for someone as you enter or exit.

6. Say “Thank you” to whoever holds the door for you!

7. Do one thing, take one step towards an Ultimate Awesome Goal

  • What would you do, if there were no obstacle?
  • Do one small thing towards it.
  • Read something about it
  • List why you want to do it
  • Ask someone about it
  • Make a super broad/general plan on how you could get there.

8. Get a full 8 hours of sleep.

  • Being rested makes finding your Awesome easier.
  • Turn off the TV, take a hot bath/shower, find a way to turn off your brain.

9. Talk to someone who listens

  • Friends, family, help-line, spiritual or lay person

10. Read about someone who did something Awesome

  • How did they figure out their version of Awesome?
  • How did they start?

What do you do to find Awesome in your day and in your life?  I love to hear what you do!


About Trina

Trina Serrecchia is an all around Renaissance gal on a quest to compile The Field Guide to Awesome! Writing on Travel, Project Management, and Awesomeness.

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