Let me tell you a story…Once upon a time I returned home from a work trip. My flight landed late that night, and I was staggering into my condo, dragging my bags. I flipped on the light, and… GASP!!!! SOMEONE HAD TOSSED THE JOINT!!!! Then, I sighed. No. It was me. I could blame no one but myself.
I’m planning something big in the Spring. What ever happens, I want to return to a serene, harmonious sanctuary.
I hate house-cleaning. With a passion. Actually, what I really hate is clutter. I look at it and get overwhelmed. What the hell do I do with it? I shift it around so I can ensure that I don’t live in filth. Filth/dirt/grime is eliminated regularly from my living space.
Clutter, however, BREEDS. I make huge efforts to eliminate clutter, my living space is serene briefly. Just long enough for me to say, “How nice!”. Then I turn around and BAM! Like a herd of frisky bunnies, clutter had mated and the clutter population exploded.
I dream of minimalist living. Every couple of months I do a major purging, and things get better each time. I’m due for the biggest one of all.
To prepare for that purging, I am clearing off surfaces, and putting things away that have obvious homes.
OK, enough procrastination…I’ll post more details, and about my processes later, but I just gotta get some of it done now. TTFN!