Transplanted post from my old blog:

So! I’ve been a bit incommunicado for a while.  Work, and work goals took over my life for March and April, “go-lives” that spanned weeks/ends at a time, and then…my contract ended.  Meanwhile, I’ve been preparing for the PMP exam.  Studying like a son-of-a-gun, and a bootcamp class are under my belt, and now I am A.L.M.O.S.T ready to take the 4 hour exam – as soon as I get my experience hours (5000+) verified. (UPDATE: I passed back in June right after I posted this originally on my old blog!)

What the heck is PMP?  It is an internationally recognized credential indicating that I am an experienced and knowledgeable/skilled Project Manager.    It is super-freakin AWESOME to be able to tack that credential after my name.

Needless to say, my “Weekend Travel” goal is tabled until I get a longer term travel contract.

Will this curtail travel goals? Heck NO!

Am I worried that I am “between contracts”?  Dbl Heck NO!  I’ve invested and saved, and should be fine for about a year, with modest living.  I plan on taking this time to explore some interests, and to see how they might evolve.

I have a commitment to my firm while I’m on the “bench”, but if my bench time expires before I get a new contract, I’m planning on doing some extended travel and explore some options in Location Independent work.

That is the direction this blog will go, as I see it right now.

I’ll be sharing:

  • How I am preparing my home – eliminating clutter, and going more “minimalist”- think 80/20
  • Location Independent work/income possibilities – including where I found the info – so if you are interested, you can take a look, too.
  • Extended travel/living abroad options
  • And More!

I’ll even include any mistakes I’ve made, just so you don’t have to experience them.  Or if you already have, you can commiserate with me.  LOL

For now I’m going to sign-off, and get back to my “Clutter Clearing Extravaganza!” I’ll be adding a post later with pictures, so you can see the complete and utter chaos of the before, and the anticipated serenity of the after images.

About Trina

Trina Serrecchia is an all around Renaissance gal on a quest to compile The Field Guide to Awesome! Writing on Travel, Project Management, and Awesomeness.

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