As I mentioned in another post, while I was on my six month backpacking trip through Europe and Asia, I posted directly to my Facebook FG2A Page, when I should have posted to this blog, THEN to Facebook. I have learned my lesson, and will be paying the price until I transcribe six months of posts and move the photos to this blog.
Moving posts from Facebook Page to WordPress
There is no easy way. None. Let me know if you are aware of a better way.
Here is what I did:
- Go to your FB page (business page, not personal wall)
- On the top blue line, click the down arrow to see list, then select “Activity Log”
- Then copy and paste into a word processing doc. A lot.
- Once you have the word processing doc, you can more easily edit and move the posts to WP. Sadly, it is still a slow manual process. Facebook doesn’t want you to leave, they want all of you. Do this and be free. Be Free, I say!
- Notes:
- Make sure to expand the posts that have the “show more” hyperlink.
- If you have many posts, do a few days at a time. The larger the amount of data on the “clipboard”, the longer it takes to paste. Be patient.
- There is a download feature….that doesn’t work well, and doesn’t include the photos you posted along with the words. The method described here allows you to pull the photo references, as well, but I haven’t figured out how to make them useful. * Make sure FB isn’t the sole repository for your images.*
- Why do it?
- You willhave a document that is more useable than the Facebook page, and you will see how much you have written so far. In FB, readers need to scroll, and scroll, and scroll, just to get to posts in the past.
- When I used this process to move my content from FB to WP, I found I had about 100 pages of text. I’ll easily be able to expand that into valuable content.
- This document can be used to paste into your blog, which will be much easier for you and your audience to maneuver, read, search.
- The material can be more easily turned into additional excellent content formats.
- You willhave a document that is more useable than the Facebook page, and you will see how much you have written so far. In FB, readers need to scroll, and scroll, and scroll, just to get to posts in the past.