Just a quick post, as I have finally hit 50 thousand words tonight – before midnight. I am not sure when I will post this – I have got to edit it before I do – not much else is edited on my National Novel Writing effort.
My writing projects are not yet done. I have got a crap load of editing and additional text to write. I have made a start, though. I may certainly keep up a writing challenge for my self monthly. I found the daily word count challenge helpful, as I would inevitably sit in front of my monitor and be blank. Just like the page. I had nothing. I would hammer out the first five hundred words and then thoughts, ideas, both awesome, and crappy, started flowing.
Will every word of mine be useful? Mmmm, no, but they are still like gems to me. The cloudy chaff had to be unearthed so the sparkling clear gems could be found.
I am kinda proud of myself. Now I just have to turn my scrivenings into something that is accessible for a reader. Oh, and finish them. So, the best thing I did this month was start a habit.
Now…I’m signing off, and doing my best to head to dreamland. I’ve got some writing to do tomorrow.